Agreement Message

This is a message you can use to accompany the participant agreement, whether sending as a link or an attachment.


Template (Attachment)

Hi [[[ Participant Name ]]],

We are looking forward to your participation in our study. Attached to this email is a participant agreement form that outlines what you need to know. If you could, please review, sign, and return the form before our session. If you are unable to complete the form or have questions, we can go over it together at the beginning of the session.

Thanks, [[[ Your Name ]]]

Hi [[[ Participant Name ]]],

We are looking forward to your participation in our study. This [[[ linked participant agreement ]]] form outlines what you need to know. If you could, please review, sign, and return the form before our session. If you are unable to complete the form or have questions, we can go over it together at the beginning of the session.

Thanks, [[[ Your Name ]]]