Affinity diagramming
A way of finding themes in collections of ideas, quotes, or observations.
To draw out insights from qualitative data quickly and collaboratively.
- Affinity Diagram (Miro)
How to do it
- Record ideas, quotes, or observations from interviews, contextual inquiry, or other sources of research on sticky notes.
- Place the sticky notes on a white board (in no particular arrangement). Move the sticky notes into related groups.
- Use larger notes (or white board markers, if you’re using a white board), to write titles or catch phrases for each group.
Additional resources
- An explanation of what affinity diagramming is and how to do it. The Usability Body of Knowledge, a product of the User Experience Professionals’ Association.
- An explanation of affinity diagramming. Information and Design.
Considerations for use in government
No PRA implications. This method may use data gathered from members of the public, but does not require their involvement.