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There are two signature marks that define Bixal —the primary logotype and the complementary B. The primary logotype is cleancut and powerful.

Download the logotype Download the monogram
Image explaining the Bixal logo.

How the logo was created.

The primary logotype informs-and complements-the B mark, ensuring a scalable and dynamic visual expression throughout designs.

Image displaying the creation of the Bixal logo at different stages.


Image showing the guidelines to using the logo.

Maintaining the integrity of our mark

To ensure brand consistency, it is important that the logo be used appropriately. Below are examples of correct usage of the logo, as well as examples of treatments to avoid with the logo.

The logo will most often be black or white, but may be set in one of the brand colors if the design allows. Be sure the color is always legible, whether applied to a color or image background.

Example showing the Bixal logo with black text set against a white background and the white text logo set against a black background. Examples showing incorrect usage of the Bixal logo.

The B

B is for Bixal. This core complementary brand element is a highly flexible mark designed to serve all types of design applications. The placement, size and color of the B can be modified to suit the design. When considering whether to implement the B as a shape or as an image mask, assess the content itself:

  • The image mask treatment may be more suitable if the content is more formal—this style allows for more seamless text overlay.
  • The shape treatment may be more suitable for applications where the image selection plays a critical role in reinforcing the content or telling a story.
View the bleed guide in SharePoint View the bleed guide in Figma

Using the B

The B may be used either as a shape or as a photo mask. This flexibility reinforces its strength as a core brand element and adds visual interest to image selection.

Image of two different sized Bixal 'B' shape.

Color B and background image

To use the B as a shape, use the color pairing guidelines to choose a color that contrasts with the logotype and headline color.

  • The B, text box, and focal point of the image should not overlap. Create movement in the design by drawing the eye around the page between these three core elements.
  • The photo should bleed to the edge of the design area. The B should take up no more than half of the design area when implemented as a solid shape. If overlapping text is applied, be mindful of color selection and font size to ensure legibility.
Six examples of the usage of the Bixal B on a background image.

Image masked in B and color background

To use the B as a photo mask, crop the image such that the focal elements of the image are clearly revealed by the B mark.

Four examples of the usage of the Bixal B as mask on background images.

What not to do with the B

Example showing incorrect usage of the Bixal 'B'.